When I was younger, going home was something I dreaded. I would stay out as long as I could. Now, with my own child, I try to stay home as much as possible. Hoping not to miss a single important moment.
Together, we build a home, its not much but it’s our home.

In April 2016, Lele caught HFMD (hand foot mouth disease). We had to quarantine him and ourselves at home, in hope that the virus doesn’t spread to others.
This is the first time we ever faced something like that and the first time I've seen him so lethargic. He would refuse food due to the ulcers in his mouth, would want us to carry him to sleep and Eunice had to sleep sitting up as Lele would fuss in his sleep when he's being laid down. It was a very trying and tiring time. The spots on his body made my heart ache.
After the weekend, Lele got better but Eunice caught the virus. Our friend says adults have it worse than children.